A to Z of Jehadi Organizations in Pakistan
December 15, 2017
The Fluttering Flag of Jehad
December 15, 2017The True Face of Jehadis
₨ 450
The True Face of Jehadis is a blend of information and analyses of the post-9/11 state of jehad and jehadi organisations in Pakistan. The book carries inside information on the present state of jehad and the jehadi organisations operating in Pakistan and explores a lethal nexus of the Jehadis and their known and hidden links with some terrorist outfits as well as with the Pakistani establishment. While primarily focusing Pakistan, the book addresses the issues in the post-9/11 scenario with a broader perspective and states that Pakistan is presently facing the consequences of what its establishment did in the decade of the 1990s.
With the about turn in the state policy on jehad after the 9/11 terror attacks, it seems that the military and the intelligence establishments of Pakistan presently have two schools of thought: one condemning the Jehadis and the other criticizing Musharraf regime onslaught against the militants. The writer analyses this rift by bringing to light the present scenario and the future conjecture. The book notes that despite some serious government efforts to tame the jehadis, Pakistan is besieged by dint of its ling-held connections with the Taliban and the al-Qaeda, decades of backing the militant groups and also because of public sympathy with many of the militant groups.
Dealing with exclusive information and in depth analyses of the subject matter, the author has minutely profiled si leading Jehadi outfits of Pakistan — Laskahr-e-Tayyaba, Jaish-e-Moahmmad, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, Sipah-e-Sapaha and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi — their past, present and future forecast; their undertakings so far and the changing nature of their relationship with the intelligence agencies in the post 9/11 scenario. The writer explores the hidden links of these jehadi groups with al-Qaeda and with the Intelligence Services. The writer has produced a mosaic of intelligence information based on what has come to light from the Pakistani and Western sources.
Amir Mir is a leading investigative journalist of Pakistan.
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