Good Governance
Mashal organized a seminar on Good Governance in October 2000. Prof. M. Rashid, Mr Rashid Rehman, Mr. Inayat Ilahi Malik and Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy spoke on the subject. They held civil bureaucracy responsible for the decay in public administration and gradual decline in good governance. They were of the view that no efforts were made to do away with this exploitative system. As the politicians (mainly drawn from the feudal class) faltered, the bureaucrat became stronger.
Religious Tolerance
Prof. Jilani Kamran, Father James Chanan and Mr. Safdar Hasan Siddiqi were the main speakers at the seminar on Religious Tolerance organized by Mashal in October 2000. They were of the view that religious prejudices are the biggest hurdle in the development of human intellect as well as social and cultural attitudes . They made a dispassionate plea to all religions to forget their rivalries because all the religions stand for the good of humanity.